Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Social Networking (and that's no April Fool)

I dreaded this assignment because I felt I was truly the last person in the known Universe to NOT have a MySpace page. I've become somewhat of a hermit as I speed towards 30, and the thought of past classmates contacting me (Hi, Amanda!!!! We had PE together Freshman year. I remember your frizzy hair and huge glasses!!!! Are you still a nerd?) wasn't exactly anything I was looking for, or wanting.

But, in order to expand my skills (okay, because I really, really, really want that IPod) I sucked it up and here are my social networking sites and a little bit of what I thought of each:


Again, with MySpace I went with the username I generally use online. I have to say it was pretty simple to set up, and I do like how clean the profile page looks. The addition of pictures and a song really makes it feel more like 'your' space, even if your space is unique... just like everyone else's. When I signed up and put in my high school, immediately I was shown something like 68 people I had graduated with 10 years ago and asked if I wanted to friend any of them. I've declined for now. But I do have a few library friends, a cousin, and my husband on my f-list.


I detest Facebook. I did not find it easy to use. The profile page is cluttered, and it is very hard to figure out how to do any application. I was teasing with one of the students here in ILL (as she's a huge Facebook user) that only people born after 1986 are born with the Facebook gene. However, I did find the extremely cute 'Catbook' to be worth my time, and created a profile for my handsome putty, Bailey.


But you can be rest assured that after this assignment, I will not be anywhere near Facebook again, unless it's to delete my account. ;)


Lastly, I signed up with LibraryThing, which was once recommended to me by my buddy Kathryne. I found this site very, very user-friendly and so easy to use. I had so much fun seeing how many other people own the same books as me, and I can't wait to delve in and read/write some book reviews. I think this is a site I will use more often, and I found I had a hard time stopping after adding just a few books. I wanted to add all of my books!

I've enjoyed Blue 2.0. Thanks for taking the time to set it up and to drag me (kicking and screaming in some cases) into some of these sites that I may never have used otherwise.

I think from here on out, Days of Our ILLIAD will become a blog dedicated to the crazy things that happen here in ILL--never a day goes by that SOMETHING nuts doesn't happen down here in the basement.